SLCC Password Complexity Requirements and Troubleshooting

SLCC requires the following rules when selecting your new password:

Please have a secure way of storing your new password before submitting with a password manager like 1Password, LastPass, etc.


Below are some possible issues you may encounter while trying to create a new password that doesn't meet the complexity requirements listed above.  For best practices on creating / selecting a new password visit our article: Managing Passwords & Using a Password Manager


Easily Guessable Password Error

If you enter an insecure password like “password1234” into the fields, you will receive a message stating you picked an easily guessable password.

Image shows guessable error

Password Does Not Meet Complexity Requirements Error
If you enter a password that does not meet the Active Directory password requirements in each field, you will receive a message stating the password does not adhere to the college password policy.  

Image shows length error