Using RSI RingCentral Shadow Agent for Queue Management

How to Login:

After Installation open the Shadow Agent app and click “Sign In”.

Image shows login screen


A new window will open, in this window enter your SLCC username ( is the format). Then click the “Single Sign on” button.

Image shows SSO option


On the next page click the “Submit” button.

Image shows submit button

On the next screen click the “Authorize” button. This allows Shadow Agent to use RingCentral.

Image shows Authorize button

You then must select your Emergency Response physical location. It should default to your SLCC Extension. Click the “I Accept” button to finish the initial login.

Image shows I Accept button

How to View the Queue:

Once logged in Shadow Agent will open to the phone page.

Image shows phone screen


To view the queue and those that are logged in and the status of each person logged into the queue click on the computer icon at the top right of the page. This will default to show all Users.

Image shows computer icon

Click on “Queue” at the top left and this will open the Queue screen. This screen will show you the status of the members in the queue, how many calls are Ringing (Waiting to be answered). The longest wait time, how many calls have been handled, dropped and answered.

Unsupported image type.Image shows queue button


Your page may show all the queues in the college, if this is the case click the arrow button at the top right of this page and select Queues. This will let you select your queue from the list, please unselect all the others you do not need.

Image shows queue selection

Managing Queue Status and Access:

Within Shadow Agent you will also manage your own status and queue access. Clicking on the image circle at the top left opens a menu with a list of status you can put yourself into so others can see what you are doing. To answer incoming queue calls you must move the Accept Queue Calls slider button.

Image shows status screen


It will highlight when queue calls are being accepted, to stop accepting calls when you go on break or lunch or end of shift, simply click the slider button to turn it off and remove yourself from taking calls.

Image shows queue acceptance


If you see the little person icon at the bottom right of the employee is full, that means they are logged into the queue. If their box is green that means they are ready to take calls.

Image shows user status