WiFi @ SLCC - FAQs

1.  How do I connect to the WiFi at SLCC?

Detailed instructions for each computer type are listed in the "related" articles section of this page and linked below.  However, the basic instructions are to connect to the onboarding @SLCC network, open a browser and try to go to www.slcc.edu and then follow the instructions.


2.  What is eduroam?

  • Eduroam (education roaming) is the free, secure, world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community. It is available at thousands of locations in over 70 countries.
  • With hundreds of thousands of wireless access points sharing a common SSID, eduroam acts as one large, world-wide wireless hotspot.
  • Authentication of users is performed by their home institution, using the same credentials as when they access the network locally, while authorization to access the Internet and possibly other resources is handled by the visited institution.
  • For more information, please visit: https://www.eduroam.org/what-is-eduroam/  

eduroam logo

3.  Why do I have to install these extra programs onto my devices in order to connect?

  • SecureW2 is an application that automatically configures the wireless on your device and requests and installs a certificate for authentication (this makes it so when you change your SLCC password, you don't have to change your wireless settings) 
  • This is a one-time setup and should not need to be done more than once for each device you register and connect to eduroam, if you run into troubles with connection asking you each time to install the software, or connectivity troubles, please contact the Technical Support Help Desk @ 801-957-5555.

SecureW2 logo 


4.  Is there a limit on the number of wireless devices I can register?

  • Yes, you are limited to 5 devices that you can have registered at any point in time.  If you go over that limit, contact the help desk and they can remove one of the existing devices.